Meet the team
      I've always thought of Indy as my canary. I might need to explain that. Back in the day, before we had fancy gas detectors, miners apparently kept a canary in a cage to detect gas leaks underground. If the canary was...umm... pining for the fjords and had ceased to be - you needed to act fast.

      And that's why she's a canary. Indy is always so happy and positive that if she starts looking bored, you're in trouble!
      Cory, The DM
      Indy is a bottomless pit. I am not just referring to the way that she can consume her lunch, a second serve and everyone else's leftovers...but also that she is endlessly joyful and full of hilarious stories. Indy will make you smile by just being around.

      She is a hoot and a half. She is a beautiful human being, inside and out, and she makes those around her better for knowing her. It's hard to not be positive and happy around her.
      Alana, (Morrigan)
      I first met Indy when she started as an intern. She was insanely quiet and as a joke I would always ask her to keep her voice down or let someone else speak. On one of her last days after barley saying a thing for weeks she came into the office and yelled "GOODBYE EVERYONE". I knew she was going to be a great addition to our workplace so the second a position came up I was on the phone offering her a position for a year and she has been with us every since.

      Indy is a good time, free-spirited gal and I think that comes across in her character. She brings something really unique to the game and I can't imagine it without her.
      Stacey, (Kaa'Riin)
      I am Freya! Sneak attack!
      Indy, (Freya)
      Frequently Given Answers
      Yes, she does try the Sneak Attack thing constantly
      No, she doesn't steal stuff in the real world. Anymore.
      Feel free to reach out!
      We're actually pretty nice.
      All photo, audio, and video materials belong to the Girls Who Don't D&D podcast and/or the contracted artists.
      Please do not use them in commercial projects.
      Please ignore the "please".

      (c) Girls Who Don't D&D 2023
      Made on